
SavingAccount contract.

SavingAccount is the main interface contract that processes a user's deposit/withdraw and borrow/repay requests, the details of these methods are in the Bank contract. It also provides the functionality for the third-parities for liquidation. Please check the modifier page to confirm the semantics of each modifier in the function head here.


function head

function deposit(address _token, uint256 _amount) public payable onlySupportedToken(_token) onlyEnabledToken(_token) nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _token: The address of the token that the user wants to deposit.

    • amount: The volume of the token that the user wants to deposit.


The function receives a certain amount of tokens from msg.sender and deposits them to the pool. This function calls the deposit function in the Bank contract, and emit theDeposit event. Please make sure your account has enough tokens to avoid gas waste.


function head

function withdraw(address _token, uint256 _amount) external onlySupportedToken(_token) whenNotPaused nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _token: The address of the token that the user wants to withdraw.

    • amount: The volume of the token that the user wants to withdraw.


The function withdraws a certain amount of tokens from the pool and then send them to msg.sender. This function calls the withdraw function in the Bank contract, and emit the Withdraw event.

You can't withdraw tokens to make your borrow power that is less than the total value of your borrowed tokens. For more info about borrow power, please check the description on the Accounts page.

The actual token an account withdraw could be smaller than it requested because 10% of the interest is deducted and saved as the DeFiner community fund.


function head

function withdrawAll(address _token) external onlySupportedToken(_token) whenNotPaused nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _token: The address of the token that the user wants to withdraw.


The function withdraw all tokens of an account from the pool and send them to msg.sender. This function first checks the current deposit balance of the account by calling getDepositBalanceCurrent in the Accounts contract, and then calls the withdraw function in the Bank contract to request withdrawing that exact amount of token, and emit the WithdrawAll event.

The actual token an account withdraw could be smaller than its total deposit balance because 10% of the interest is deducted and saved as the DeFiner community fund.

If after withdrawing all these kinds of tokens, your borrow power will be less than the value of your borrowed tokens, this function will fail. Please check Accounts page for more info about borrow power.


function head

function borrow(address _token, uint256 _amount) external onlySupportedToken(_token) onlyEnabledToken(_token) whenNotPaused nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _token: The address of the token that the user wants to borrow.

    • amount: The volume of the token that the user wants to borrow.


An account uses borrow function to borrow a certain amount of token from the pool. This function calls the borrow function in the Bank contract, and emit the Borrow event.

You can't borrow tokens that have value more than your borrow power. Please check Accounts page for more info about borrow power.


function head

function repay(address _token, uint256 _amount) public payable onlySupportedToken(_token) nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _token: The address of token you want to repay.

    • amount: The amount of token you want to repay.


An account uses repay function to repay a certain amount of borrowed token back to the pool. This function calls the repay function in the Bank contract, and emit the Repay event.

If an account repaid more than what it owes, the contract would return the extra token back to the account address.

In your wallet, you need to make sure there are enough tokens which is larger or equal to the amount you specify here to avoid failing transaction. This amount of tokens should be in your wallet not the already deposited tokens to DeFiner.


function head

function transfer(address _to, address _token, uint _amount) external onlySupportedToken(_token) onlyEnabledToken(_token) whenNotPaused nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _to: The account address that you want to transfer tokens to.

    • _token: The address of the tokens you want to transfer.

    • _amount: The volume of token you want to transfer.


An account could transfer its deposited token to another account inside DeFiner's saving pool. When a transfer happened, the deposit balance of msg.sender is deducted and it is added to the account that specified in the transfer function. This means that the transfer will only happen within the DeFiner's Protocol, the _to address won't see the transferred tokens in its wallet, but it will show in DeFiner's balance.

If the msg.sender has borrowed any tokens from the pool, it is required that the account is still under the borrowing capacity after transfer.


function head

function liquidate(address _borrower, address _borrowedToken, address _collateralToken) public onlySupportedToken(_borrowedToken) onlySupportedToken(_collateralToken) whenNotPaused nonReentrant

  • parameters

    • _borrower: The target account that should be liquidated through this transaction.

    • _borrowedToken: The token that the borrower has borrowed.

    • _collateralToken: The underlying collateral token that the liquidator wants to buy.


A borrower (or debtor) is liquidatable if its LTV is above 85%. If an account is liquidatable, a liquidator can use a debt token to purchase the collateral from the borrower with a 5% discount.

For a full explanation about the liquidate function, please visit this page.

Last updated