Interest Model

Interest Rate Calculations


  • u is the capital utilization rate of a certain token

  • Compound Supply Rate: the real-time supply rate on the money market

  • Compound Borrow Rate: the real-time borrow rate on the money market

  • Compound Supply Rate Weight: the weight parameter of the Compound Supply Rate

  • Compound Borrow Rate Weight: the weight parameter of the Compound Borrow Rate

  • Compound Supply Ratio: the percentage of capital deployed on money market

Borrow Rate Model

BorrowAPR=CompoundSupplyRateWeights×CompoundSupplyRate+CompoundBorrowRateWeights×CompoundBorrowRate()+RateCurveConstant÷(1u)Borrow APR= Compound Supply Rate Weights \times Compound Supply Rate + Compound Borrow Rate Weights \times Compound Borrow Rate () + RateCurve Constant\div(1-u)

When uu >0.98,

RateCurveConstant÷(1u)=RateCurveConstant÷(10.98)=RateCurveConstant×50Rate Curve Constant\div(1-u) = Rate Curve Constant \div(1-0.98)= RateCurveConstant\times50

For assets that are not available on Compound or other money markets, Compound Supply Rate Weights=0, Compound Borrow Rate Weights=0,

In summary, there are two factors that decided the Borrow APR, the prevailing market rate that is available in the market and the capital utilization rate in the DeFiner protocol. Also, it's a non-linear model. The borrowing interest can adapt quickly if the utilization of the pool approaches a relatively high level.

Based on different parameter sets, we have three different strategies: Conservative Mode, Moderate Model, and Aggressive Model.


Conservative Model

Moderate Model

Aggressive Model

Compound Supply

Rate Weight




Compound Borrow

Rate Weight








Below is how the borrow interest rate curve varies at different capital utilization levels based on three strategies.


function getBorrowRatePerBlock(address _token) public view returns(uint) {    
    if(isSupportedOnCompound) {
        if (u>0.999) {
            BorrowAPR= compoundSupplyRateWeights*(compoundSupplyRate) + compoundBorrowRateWeights*(compoundBorrowRate) + RateCurveConstant*(1000);
        } else {
            BorrowAPR= compoundSupplyRateWeights*(compoundSupplyRate) + compoundBorrowRateWeights*(compoundBorrowRate) + RateCurveConstant/(1-u);
    } else {
        if (u>0.999) {
            BorrowAPR = RateCurveConstant*(1000);
        } else {
            BorrowAPR = RateCurveConstant/(1-u);


function getBorrowRatePerBlock(address _token) public view returns(uint) {
    uint256 capitalUtilizationRatio = getCapitalUtilizationRatio(_token);
    // rateCurveConstant = <'3 * (10)^16'_rateCurveConstant_configurable>
    uint256 rateCurveConstant = globalConfig.rateCurveConstant();
    // compoundSupply = Compound Supply Rate * <'0.4'_supplyRateWeights_configurable>
    uint256 compoundSupply = compoundPool[_token].depositRatePerBlock.mul(globalConfig.compoundSupplyRateWeights());
    // compoundBorrow = Compound Borrow Rate * <'0.6'_borrowRateWeights_configurable>
    uint256 compoundBorrow = compoundPool[_token].borrowRatePerBlock.mul(globalConfig.compoundBorrowRateWeights());
    // nonUtilizedCapRatio = (1 - U) // Non utilized capital ratio
    uint256 nonUtilizedCapRatio = INT_UNIT.sub(capitalUtilizationRatio);

    bool isSupportedOnCompound = globalConfig.tokenInfoRegistry().isSupportedOnCompound(_token);
    if(isSupportedOnCompound) {
        uint256 compoundSupplyPlusBorrow = compoundSupply.add(compoundBorrow).div(10);
        uint256 rateConstant;
        // if the token is supported in third party (like Compound), check if U = 1
        if(capitalUtilizationRatio > ((10**18) - (10**15))) { // > 0.999
            // if U = 1, borrowing rate = compoundSupply + compoundBorrow + ((rateCurveConstant * 100) / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR)
            rateConstant = rateCurveConstant.mul(1000).div(BLOCKS_PER_YEAR);
            return compoundSupplyPlusBorrow.add(rateConstant);
        } else {
            // if U != 1, borrowing rate = compoundSupply + compoundBorrow + ((rateCurveConstant / (1 - U)) / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR)
            rateConstant = rateCurveConstant.mul(10**18).div(nonUtilizedCapRatio).div(BLOCKS_PER_YEAR);
            return compoundSupplyPlusBorrow.add(rateConstant);
    } else {
        // If the token is NOT supported by the third party, check if U = 1
        if(capitalUtilizationRatio > ((10**18) - (10**15))) { // > 0.999
            // if U = 1, borrowing rate = rateCurveConstant * 100
            return rateCurveConstant.mul(1000).div(BLOCKS_PER_YEAR);
        } else {
            // if 0 < U < 1, borrowing rate = 3% / (1 - U)
            return rateCurveConstant.mul(10**18).div(nonUtilizedCapRatio).div(BLOCKS_PER_YEAR);

Deposit Rate Model

DepositRate=CompoundSupplyRatio×CompoundSupplyRate+BorrowRate×uDeposit Rate= CompoundSupplyRatio\times CompoundSupplyRate +BorrowRate\times u

For assets that are not available on Compound or other money markets, Compound Supply Rate Weights=0, Compound Borrow Rate Weights=0


function getDepositRatePerBlock(address _token) public view returns(uint) {    
    uint borrowRatePerBlock = getBorrowRatePerBlock(_token);
    uint capitalUtilRatio = getCapitalUtilizationRatio(_token);
    if(!isSupportedOnCompound) {
        DepositAPR = borrowRatePerBlock * capitalUtilRatio;
    } else {
        DepositAPR = borrowRatePerBlock * capitalUtilRatio + CompoundSupplyRate*(u);


function getDepositRatePerBlock(address _token) public view returns(uint) {
    uint256 borrowRatePerBlock = getBorrowRatePerBlock(_token);
    uint256 capitalUtilRatio = getCapitalUtilizationRatio(_token);
        return borrowRatePerBlock.mul(capitalUtilRatio).div(INT_UNIT);
    return borrowRatePerBlock.mul(capitalUtilRatio).add(compoundPool[_token].depositRatePerBlock

Interest Accounting System


  • Deposit principle: the crypto assets that users deposited

  • Deposit interest: interest that the depositor earned

  • Deposit storage interest: the interest that depositor accrued

  • Deposit accrual interest: the deposit interest that has not accrued

  • Deposit Interest per block: interest that user earned for every block

  • BlocksPerYear: annual expected blocks of the blockchain


DepositInterestRatePerBlock=BorrowAPR÷BlocksPerYearDeposit Interest Rate Per Block = BorrowAPR\div BlocksPerYear

DepositInterestPerBlock=(DepositPrinciple+DepositStorageInterest)×DepositInterestRatePerBlockDeposit Interest Per Block = (Deposit Principle+Deposit Storage Interest) \times Deposit Interest Rate Per Block

DepositInterest(blockt)=DepositInterest(blockt1))+DepositInterestPerBlockDepositInterest(block_t)=DepositInterest(block_t -_1))+DepositInterestPerBlock

BorrowAPR will be updated in the contract if there were any users who have deposits of the token performs a transaction

The interest earned between the last transaction block of the user and the latest transaction block will be accrued if the user performed a transaction and will be added to the Deposit Storage Interest.

Last updated